Category: Latest News


Madhur Madhumeh Camp – Rewa, MP

Madhur Madhumeh, a unique holistic health education camp for diabetes patients was held at Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre, Rewa, M.P. from 6-9 July 2017. Around 135 persons participated in the three days camp. Participants appreciated the food and services by the Brahma Kumaris sisters and requested to have similar...


Madhur Madhumeh Camp – Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Madhur Madhumeh, a unique holistic health education camp for diabetes patients was held at Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu from 15-17 May 2017. Around 30 persons participated in the three days camp. Participants appreciated the food and services by the Brahma Kumaris sisters and requested to have...


Madhur Madhumeh Camp – Ernakulam, Kerala

Madhur Madhumeh, a unique holistic health education camp for diabetes patients was held at Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre, Ernakulam from 11-14 May 2017. Participants appreciated the unique knowledge and services by the Brahma Kumaris sisters and requested to have similar camps in near future.


Madhur Madhumeh Camp – Jankipuram, Lucknow

Madhur Madhumeh, a unique holistic health education camp for diabetes patients was held at Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre, Vizianagaram from 4-7 May 2017. Around 104 persons participated in the three days camp. Participants appreciated the food and services by the Brahma Kumaris sisters and requested to have similar camps in...


Madhur Madhumeh Camp @ Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh

Madhur Madhumeh, a unique holistic health education camp for diabetes patients was held at Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre, Vizianagaram from 25-28 May 2017. Around 50 persons participated in the three days camp. Participants appreciated the food and services by the Brahma Kumaris sisters and requested to have similar camps in...


Madhur Madhumeh Diabetes Camp, Jaipur

Madhur Madhumeh, a unique holistic health education camp for diabetes patients was held at Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre, Rajapark, Jaipur from 15-18 June 2017. Around 60 persons participated in the three days camp. Blood glucose level started showing downward trend within 12 hours and most of the participants recorded...


Upcoming Madhur Madhumeh Camps

Brahma Kumaris Medical Wing organizes Madhur Madhumeh Camps for diabetes patients across the country. For organizing a camp in your area please write to us at giving your full contact details.


22nd Madhur Madhumeh, Diabetes Camp @ Jankipuram Vistar in Lucknow

Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya Abu Road, Rajasthan  conducted a unique holistic health education camp(Madhur Madhumeh camp) for diabetes patients at  Jankipuram Vistar in Lucknow 4-7 May, 2017. Diabetes patients participated in the camp. Dr. Valsalan Nair from Medical Wing Office, Madhuban facilitated the camp.Through the camp, once again,...